
Styling Main Menu

Add classes container, container-fluid or nothing to change the menu's width

Add classes background classes like bg-grey to change the menu's background color

Add the class menu-borderd if you want the menu items to be bordered

Add the class rounded to li items if you want it to be rounded

Change on hover action by adding the classes nav-bg-hover, nav-top-border-hover, and nav-bottom-border-hover

Making a fixed menu you need to wrap the menu div inside another div and add these classes position-fixed top-0 w-100 bg-white and add the style style="z-index: 99;"

The best place to eat in downtown Agile!

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Click on the notification tab, You need to copy the modal contents and the JS code


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Built with love in Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ by Kim Majali, EITO team, and contributors.